Robot Button

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Robot Button is a small player-initiated explosive entity in Content Warning.

Robot Button
Old World
Game Model
Button Crab.png
Aliases Button Crab, Button
Behavior Patrolling, Following, Exploding
Horde Size N/A
Jumpscare Level 0
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

The Robot Button is a small, robotic creature that walks around on 4 stick legs. It has a large, cylinder button on top of its square body, outlined with a lighter grey rim.

• Behavior •

Robot Button will roam around the map and will follow players. It possesses little to no threat, however, players are able to interact with the button on its surface using [E]. Interacting with this button will have a 50/50 chance of either an explosion occurring, killing both the robot and any players around it, or nothing except the sound of the button clicking. Explosions caused by Robot Buttons are smaller than the usual explosion caused by Bomber. After a while of pestering the player, the Robot Button will leave.

• Counters •

Don't press the button if you're unlucky, don't be clumsy. Simple enemy.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Noticing a player
Exploding after the button is pressed

• Comments •

  • "DONT PRESS IT!!!"
  • "PRESS IT!!!"
  • "PRESS IT???"
  • "DONT PRESS IT???"
  • "I would never press that lol"
  • "Good video!!"
  • "Omg, I would be so tempted to press a red button like that"
  • "Little button robot"

• Trivia •

  • The Robot Button's gimmick of getting the player to press a button may be reflective of a common trope in media of characters being told to not press a big red button, and button being pressed anyways out of curiosity, and often resulting in an explosion.