Eye Guy

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Eye Guy is a feathery and light-sensitive creature in Content Warning.

Eye Guy
Old World
Game Model
Aliases Tri-eye, Bird
Behavior Patrolling, Attacking, FollowingPlayer, Exhausted
Horde Size 0
Jumpscare Level 0
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

The Eye Guy is a large, bird-like creature with 2 arms, 2 legs, and a circular body. Eye Guy has 3 eyes on its body, one in the front and then 2 on its back sides, making a triangle formation. The Eye Guy's front eye has a pointy, feathery mane surrounding it, and its back is covered in feathers. This creatures arms and legs are also very sharp. Its footsteps make a loud squelching sound.

• Behavior •

Eye Guy will spawn somewhere around the map and will periodically move until a player approaches it, which sends the monster into a freeze state. In this state, Eye Guy won't move unless the player looks away or a light is flashed on him, the latter aggravating it. This can be any light, even the camera light. Players are still able to capture video of this entity if it is from a distance where he is not fully illuminated. A hostile Eye Guy will chase the player at a speed slightly faster than their walk speed, and will stab them with its claws. Eye Guy does a good amount of damage, able to kill a player in 4-5 hits.

After Eye Guy becomes neutral, it will return to randomly wandering around the map.

• Counters •

Avoid shining your flashlight on this enemy. It is recommended to be mindful of where he is on the map, as it will make it easier to plan an escape route while still avoiding him. If a player accidentally shines their light, it will target the closest player meaning a lot of collateral damage may ensue. This entity is vulnerable to the Shock Stick, as well as the Goo Ball.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Whispering (when angered)

• Comments •

  • "I got mad???"
  • "seriously be careful out there"
  • "his was genuinely one of the most terrifying encounters I’ve ever had filming with you. I’m so glad we all made it out safely"
  • "This was truly scary, what was that creature with the big eye"
  • "That bird looking this does not like bright lights!"
  • "Wow that was absolutely mortifying scary AF. Those big eyes give me the creeps"
  • "Holy hell, what a banger. Love the weird creatues"
  • "Now THAT was scary!! Hope your all dealing with this, reach out if needed and stay safe."
  • "Does anyone know what the bird looking monster is??"
  • "I dont think it likes the flashlight!"

• Trivia •

  • Eye Guys' comments and content value are shared by Arms, quite possibly on accident.
  • Eye Guys appear similar in appearance to a creature depicted in one of the Green Screen's images labeled the 'Bogey Owl'. The Owl and Eye Guys both are bird like, and have large eyes. The Owl is seen following a child as well, referencing or inspiring an old mechanic of Eye Guys' where they would follow players.