Shock Stick

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Shock Stick
Store Icon
Cost $400
Category Equipment
Number of Uses 4
Appears in Old World Yes

• Appearance •

The Shock Stick resembles a taser on a long pole, the front end has a bright yellow hue, when activated the Shock Stick emits electrical sounds and discharges sparks from the front end, lighting up a small area.

• Usage •

While active, the Shock Stick will drain 1% of battery life every 2 seconds. The item will drain about 1/4th of maximum battery upon use. This item is able to be used on both Enemies and Players, after delivering a shock the Shock Stick will automatically turn off but can immediately be powered back on again and used with no cooldown.

• Trivia •

  • It looks like Shock Stick have 5 cells of battery display on its pole, but upon depleting 3rd charge, display will instantly show only 1 cell avaliable instead of 2, because Shock Stick can be depleted only 4 times.
  • You can waste a maximum of 19% battery life before your first shock and still retain 4 shock charges.
  • Each light on the handle corresponds to 20% of the battery life, one light will turn off at 80%, two at 60% and so on.