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Bomber is a slow, explosive enemy in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
Aliases Kamikaze, Bombs
Behavior Patrolling, Attacking, Ignited, Exploding
Horde Size 0
Jumpscare Level 2
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

Bomber is a humanoid creature with severe deformities and mutations. He has skinny, malformed legs and has large 3-fingered claws. His body is covered in what seems to be bones protruding from his skin, and bombs growing from his body. His face has no features, aside from the indentation of a mouth that appears to have melted away.

• Behavior •

Bomber will crawl around the map in search of players. When a player is found, he will grab a bomb from his body and hurl it toward the player. These bombs are affected by gravity (meaning they roll around), and will instantly kill the player if they are close to it, or severely injure them if they are in range of its blast. These bombs have a 5 second fuse, giving plenty of time to move away. If the player is close enough to this entity, he will start continously jumping towards them, igniting all the fuses on the bombs on his body before exploding and eliminating both himself and the player. It is possible to escape this fate, however many have not been successful.

• Counters •

Bomber is quite intelligent, however does not value his life very well. It is possible to bait out his "kamikaze leap" if you know how far he will jump, and most of the time will end up blowing himself up. Additionally, players are able to pick up his thrown bombs before they explode. Doing so will take up an inventory slot, but cannot be stored, similarly to Artifacts. Thrown bombs cannot damage any creature but players, so are generally useless unless you hate your friends. Bomber is able to be stunned with the Shock Stick.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Ambient breathing
Throwing a bomb
Bomb fuse
Bomb/Self-detonation explosion

• Comments •

  • "As an extremely anxious person I dont think I would like to meet that thing"
  • "Why does it move like that??"
  • "Please make this a series! That thing with the bombs was very scary"
  • "A spooktuber is never truly a real spooktuber until they've seen a monster with bombs on it"
  • "Kind of messed up that it throws explosive bombs"
  • "I don't believe in bomb monsters, but I do right now"
  • "It sounds like you barked but it was just an explosion"
  • "I have actually lived next to a bomb factory my whole life, its always given me shivers, i have alot of respect for you!"
  • "What an emotional rollercoaster. It started throwing bombs"
  • "This is probably my fav video of yours ever. PLEASE do more. Especially love that you saw that bomb monster. Rad video"
  • "What the hell. Bombs are really dangerous. This video geninely gave me chills so hard i had to sit down"
  • "ive never seen a monster hunting video with actual evidence. this is great, love ur videos. Boom!"
  • "How the hell do they dare get so close to that thing. Did they not see the bombs??"
  • "we need this as a series omg best video you’ve ever made. Bomb guy was my favorite"
  • "This video is amazing, Def my favorite from you now, I hope it gets more views!!"
  • "Weirdo things = amazing bomb guy!"
  • "Honestly, just the bomb monster being kind of annoyed at you was the most convincing part. Realistically."
  • "The thing that scared me the most was the fact that there were multiple bombs on a single monster"
  • "Bombs!"
  • "Bombs?"
  • "if you dont make this a series i will genuinely explode. jk"
  • "please show the explosive monster again. I liked seeing it"
  • "For sure need more of this bomb monster <3"
  • "First spooktube video that made me laugh so much"
  • "pal PLEASE do more stuff like this I’ll give you a high five. This video was bomb..."

• Trivia •

  • There was a time where Bombers' bombs could be stored. Doing so would reset the fuse every time it was stored, and the fuse would start again when the bomb is selected.