Black Hole Bot

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Black Hole Bot is an aerial, drone-like entity in Content Warning.

Black Hole Bot
Old World
Game Model
Aliases Drone, Black Hole
Behavior Patrolling, Targeting, Attacking
Horde Size 1
Jumpscare Level N/A
Able to be Shocked No

• Appearance •

The Black Hole Bot is a large floating robotic entity, it has 4 screens pointing in different directions that display a sinister expression, and has a large capsule-like device in the middle.

• Behavior •

The Black Hole Bot will fly around the map in search of players, and upon finding one will settle onto the ground next to them and begin to countdown from 10 seconds. Once this countdown has concluded, its four screens will display >:D, and a black hole will emerge from the center of the entity and begin to grow slowly. This black hole will suck anyone around it inside, and instantly kill them. The black hole will grow infinitely, only stopping once the players have left the Old World, or if everyone dies. Getting far enough away from the Black Hole Bot during the countdown will cause it to display >:(, cancel the countdown, and continue chasing you.

• Counters •

The Black Hole bot cannot be countered, however, players can avoid the bot by simply getting away from it before it has time to target you or finish the countdown. Make sure to never stay in one spot, and to avoid the Black Hole Bot at all costs.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Flying loop

• Comments •

  • "Lol, I like the faces on the little drone thing"
  • "The drone looks like it wants to be close to them! Cute!"
  • "Love the little flying robot lamaou great video"
  • "Thank for the video! I think I wanna start making videos. I hope I also run into the flying robot you saw!"

| Black hole comments

  • "Is that a black hole?!??"

• Trivia •

  • A joke by Content Warning developer Wilnyl
    • WilnylJoke.png