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Old World
Game Model
Aliases Diver, Spööktuber
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

The Player is a humanoid creature (assumed to be human) wearing a bulky grey diving suit with a colorful display in front of its face that displays a combination of up to three text characters.

• Lore •

The player lives on an island in the sky, with up to 3 others. They are currently trying to become a famous SpöökTuber. They film their videos by diving into the Old World via a Diving Bell.

• Mechanics •

  • Oxygen

Oxygen is a limited resource in the game, and is indicated by the O2 bar on the lower left hand side of the HUD. It depletes at a rate of 0.2% a second in the old world, giving you a total of 500 seconds (eight minutes and twenty seconds) to explore. If your O2 levels are to deplete at any time, you will immediately die. Interestingly, the inside of the Diving Bell will not deplete your O2.

  • Stamina

The bar located on the bottom of the HUD, and can determine how long you can sprint for. Trying to start sprinting while your stamina is below 10% will prove unsuccessful and keep you walking. Your stamina will wait a few seconds after sprinting to begin regenerating. Keep your stamina in mind, as sprinting is often the only way to escape certain monsters.

  • Health

Marked by the unlabeled bar on your bottom left part of the HUD (just below O2), health is your most vital resource and your most simple. When a monster attacks you, it will remove a portion of your health, and you will die if your health reaches 0. Simple stuff. However, members of your crew can heal you via the Hugger item, or resurrect you with the Defibrillator after death. Interestingly, you do not take fall damage.

  • Inventory

Indicated by the three squares on the lower right of the HUD, your inventory will consist of three slots. Picking up certain items will take up one space and dropping or throwing them will remove them. Items such as Bones and cursed artifacts will not take up an inventory slot, but tools like flashlights, and cameras will.

  • Hospital Bill

When players die during Old World expeditions, they will be revived upon returning to the Sky Island. Upon return, the group is forced to pay a Hospital Bill. The Hospital Bill equation is as follows.
M = Money, P = Players killed.
M * (0.1 * P)
an example of this would be, if you have $300, and 3 players out of 4 die on your expedition, you will be forced to pay $90 in total for them to be revived.

• Comments •

  • "Is that <playername>?",
  • "I wish I also had friends..."
  • "I wonder if <playername> is having fun"
  • "I think <playername> has a great outfit."
  • "I wonder if <playername> is a good friend."
  • "YOO it's <playername>!"

| Comments on voice

  • "I think <playername>'s voice is very soothing"
  • "I think <playername> is very good at speaking"
  • "Wow <playername> is very loud"
  • "MY EARS! <playername> is very loud"
  • "<playername> is very articulate"
  • "Honestly I really like <playername>'s voice"
  • "<playername> has such a radio voice"
  • "I love it when <playername> talks.."
  • "Here we go again, <playername> has lots to say"
  • "Woah is it just me or does <playername> always say really profound things?"
  • "Hahahahaha good one <playername>!!"
  • "lol <playername> sounds just like a friend of mine"
  • "<playername>!"
  • "<playername> is my favorite in the group! They are funny!"
  • "What is <playername> saying? I dont quite understand"
  • "<playername> should read audiobooks"
  • "<playername>!! <playername>!! <playername>!!"

| If someone catches something

  • "Good catch <playername>!"
  • "Nice catch <playername>!"
  • "Wow <playername>!"
  • "Great catch <playername>!",
  • "Nice one <playername>!"

| If someone dies

  • "I think <playername> died???"
  • "<playername> died?"
  • "is <playername> ok!?"
  • "<playername>!!!"
  • "<playername> looks dead wtf"

| If someone falls from a small height

  • "There gonna feel it when they are about 50"
  • "that looks so high!"
  • "I wouldn't even jump to water from there"
  • "Imagine falling from that height without rolling"

| If someone falls from a great height

  • "My soul left my body and it never came back"
  • "Cant believe that <playername> survived"
  • "How many of u had chills by just watching this!!"
  • "knee destruction tutorial by <playername>"

| If a player holds the mic

  • "<playername> is such a good interviewer!!"

| If a player holds one of Bomber's bombs

  • "omg <playername> is holding the bomb!"

| If a player gets injured

  • "oh that gotta hurt"
  • "ouch <playername>!"
  • "that looked painful"

| If player ragdolls

  • "I think <playername> has fallen over lol"
  • "Wow <playername> is very clumbsy"
  • "OUCH! <playername> fell!"
  • "HAHAHA! <playername>!"

• Trivia •

  • The player's outfit is inspired by the old standard diving dress used in the 1800s and 1900s
  • The player is susceptible to the Shock Stick, so be weary who wields it