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Dog is a lethal quadruped robot mounted with firearms in Content Warning

Old World
Game Model
Aliases Gundog, Turret, ASTRA
Behavior Patrolling, Targeting, Attacking
Horde Size 0
Jumpscare Level 2
Able to be Shocked No

• Appearance •

The Dog is a large robotic creature with a digital screen face similar to the players, however this face displays a happy expression. The Dog has 4 legs that it walks on, that make a robotic clunk as it moves. This creature has a machine gun mounted onto its body with a flashlight beneath the barrel. The gun projects a a bright red reticle that is a clear indication of its presence and where it is aiming.

• Behavior •

The Dog will search the map for players, shining its light in various directions. When a target is found, the reticle will narrow down onto the torso of the player and it will begin to wind up its attack. After 2-3 seconds of honing in on the player, the creature will start to release a wild onslaught of bullets. These bullets do a lot of damage, and build up very quick due to how fast the Dog fires.

• Counters •

The Dog will stop targeting players if they hide behind objects, however the Dog will go to areas where it last saw players, meaning this creature requires some stealth to get around. Thankfully, most areas in the game have lots of machinery or other decoration that can be hidden behind or on top of. You can shock the Dog with a Shock Stick if you have one, but be warned doing so will only effect its body, and make you a prime target for the still functional rifle.

It is possible to exploit Dog's persistence. If you are capable of getting to a position lower than Dog's, but stay close enough it won't pursue further, its gun will be unable to shoot at you through its own body. This will result in a behavior loop where the dog will not back off until you are dead, but can't actually kill you, leaving you plenty of time to think of a way out of your predicament. Or get plenty of footage.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Walking (sped up in-game)
Targeting player (slowed down in-game)

• Comments •

  • "Can you pet it???"
  • "Ahhhhh YAAAAAY!! I cant wait to watch this! MACHINE DOG?? You're spoiling us!"
  • "This channel deserve so much more views!!! Well done on a another great video."
  • "No freaking way! Is that a dog with a gun?"
  • "I get so WORRIED for you because you always run into scary things!"
  • "Damn mate! this was absolutely fascinating! so happy you uploaded this video! Thank you!"
  • "Glad you finally uploaded keep the videos coming. LOVED the gun dog."
  • "Great job pal.... I went to school with these people"
  • "I've been following you for some time now and I really love your videos!"
  • "Amazing video as usual. Especially metal dog. One of my favorite channels. "
  • "Whoa this episode had me jumping lol. Please pet the dog next time"
  • "I was screaming at home watching this!! Please give the dog a bone!"

• Trivia •

  • The Dog is quite similar in appearance to, and possibly based off of Bostin Dynamic's robot dogs