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Puffo is a sluggish AOE enemy in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
Aliases PuffPuff, Blowfish, Puffy, Pufferfish
Behavior Patrolling, Chasing, Inflating
Horde Size N/A
Jumpscare Level N/A
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

Puffo is a small humanoid, hunched over with a sullen face, pronounced ears, small three fingered hands, and most noticeably, a large, spiky growth on its back.

• Behavior •

It will wander around the map until players approach it, in which it will begin to follow the player. It’s speed is equivalent to that of a Snail. When a player gets close to Puffo, it will inflate its growth, dealing 1/16th of the players health and knocking them back, causing them to ragdoll.

• Counters •

Puffo can be countered via the Shock Stick. It is also incredibly slow, so just walking or sprinting away can create enough distance to be safe too. It is possible to jump over a Puffo, with a full sprint and some tight timing.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Ambient moaning
Puffing up

• Comments •

  • "I find the puffy creature to be cute because their mouth sometimes makes them look like they're smiling UwU"
  • "Well made video and I love your channel! Keep it up"
  • "did you know, the puffy thing love carrots and if you feed them one they make a noise of happiness?"
  • "I'm surprised at the clever design of this puffy monster. The defense mechanism is very unique. "
  • "Ummmm.. prtty sure its not a good idea to get so close to a puffy creature"

• Trivia •

  • The comment about eating a carrot is a reference to a meme video of a pufferfish eating a carrot and making a sound that has been described as 'aeugh'.