Sketch Pad

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Sketch Pad
Store Icon
Cost $300
Category Gadgets
Number of Uses Infinite
Appears in Old World Yes

• Appearance •

The Sketch Pad is appears to be a black pad with frames similar to frames on camera recordings and a cursor that moves towards player looking direction similar to cursor on SpookTube TV screen.

• Usage •

Upon clicking RMB while holding in hand, Sketch Pad activates drawing mode and shows your real cursor. When pressing LMB on its screen, you can draw on it and therefore your drawings will be seen to others on both sides of the Sketch Pad with a slight delay. Sketch Pad also have 3 buttons on the top: white color button, black color button (works as an eraser but can be a main color if entire background is colored white) and red button with X that erases entire drawing. If you're not holding nor have Sketch Pad in your inventory, you can still draw on the side of the player that holds the Sketch Pad or on Sketch Pad itself if it lies on the ground, however with white color only.

• Comments •

  • "Whoah Is that a Title card?!?!?!!?!!! WHAST>?"
  • "lol I would write so funny on that card"
  • "is that art?"
  • "this really saved me"
  • "I dont knkow th last time I ever saw that thing over there"

• Trivia •

  • It appears that similar in apperance item Titlecard was in the game files until v1.18, where it was heavily changed and added to the game as Sketch Pad.
  • Sketch Pad can spawn in the Old World, however chance of spawning is same as Old Painting spawning chance (0.007), which makes it nearly impossible to spawn.
  • Sketch Pad have 2 variations: with black BG and white BG, but as of now white BG version is being unused and lies in the game files.
    • Despite white BG version of Sketch Pad being unused, it can still spawn in the Old World with same rarity as Sketch Pad with black BG.