Sound Player

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Sound Player
Store Icon
Cost $100
Category Gadgets
Number of Uses Infinite
Appears in Old World Yes

• Appearance •

The Sound Player is a small, grey device that has a black screen with yellow LCD-like text, and a rotating circle selector

• Usage •

The sound player has 21 sounds that can be cycled through and played. Alledgedly, these sounds may be able to attract monsters when used in the Old World. (testing needed)

Number Name Sound
1 Badum tiss
2 Boom
3 Dramatic hit
4 Boo
5 Cheer
6 Crickets
7 Sad trumpet
8 Error buzzer
9 Correct
10 News Broadcast
11 Drum roll
12 Metal pipe
13 Funk stinger
14 Gameshow intro
15 Laugh
16 Scary kitchen
17 Slide whistle
18 Cool transition
19 Record scratch
20 Victory
21 Car skid

• Trivia •