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Snatcho is a quadruped shadow creature in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
Aliases Chokelegs, Shadow
Behavior Patrolling, Attacking, Fleeing
Horde Size 5
Jumpscare Level 2
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

Snatcho is a tall, black monster with large hands and a canine snout. He briskly crawls on all fours, however his movement can be described as "Wild" or "Erratic".

• Behavior •

Snatcho will single out targets to capture, and will manifest himself in the dark. He will stalk the target Player for a few seconds before running toward them and grabbing them, dragging them back into the dark as he whittles away at their health. He does a bit more damage than the Snail.

• Counters •

This creature does not like light in the slightest, and will be deterred from all unnatural light sources except the Camera. Shine your flashlight on him, and he will go away. Otherwise; Shock Stick.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Dragging a player away

• Comments •

  • "That weird monster was so scary"
  • "Long arms and legs, also very fast!"
  • "So happy to see one of those! I think its quite dangerous"
  • "This came at the perfect time. Loved the monsters"
  • "Did that thing just dissapear!!?"
  • "Spookyest creature I have ever seen. WHERE DID IT GO"
  • "Dont let it get you!!"
  • "I think it went away when they shone a light on it"
  • "Please like this comment if you also liked the creepy crawly creature from the video"
  • "Is it just me or like was this kind of a good video?"
  • "Imagine being alone in the dark and seeing stuff like this!! No!"
  • "This will always be the best content on spooktube! "
  • "Top teir content! Shadow monster!"
  • "Please be respectful around the long monster. Dont disturb it"
  • "Never stop the videos! Literally my favorite content creators!"
  • "Loved seing the shadow monster!"
  • "My favorite footage of anything ever"
  • "Greatttttt!"
  • "It crawls on all fours! Really scary if you ask me"
  • "Can we talk about the quick monster on the ground"
  • "Please explain what that was!"
  • "Loved this video greetings from a viewer! Really scary monsters in this vid"
  • "Hahaha WHAT was that!?"
  • "Really cool to see some new monsters. I couldn't really tell what it was but I liked it"
  • "I know this one! It goes away if you shine a light on it"
  • "Dont get snatched! It doesnt like flash lights!"
  • "Someone said that thing is afraid if lights"

• Trivia •

  • Because of how Snatcho's manifestation works Snatcho's can sometime appear places they are not supposed to such as the top of the Harbor map, an area normally inaccessible by players and monsters