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Cost $300
Category Medical
Number of Uses 2
Appears in Old World Yes

• Appearance •

The Defibrillator is a white metal device with a black electrical pad on its bottom and a red-and-white handle on its top. It has a screen showing its battery percentage just above the handle. When the Defibrillator is activated, a white light appears below the battery indicator for about a second.

• Usage •

The defibrillator is used to revive players. It has a cooldown of around 1 second, and when fully charged has 3 uses.

• Trivia •

  • A very useful bug is being able to perform actions while still dead. using a defibrillator while right next to death's door, players can revive themselves and get a second chance. its very tricky however, and reviving yourself this way will still leave the player right next to whatever killed them. Players can additionally charge up their throw and activate the defibrillator and revive someone from a distance, but it's sometimes just better to revive them when out of danger.
    • This bug is an unintended side effect of the defibrillator, as the game is not intended to be played solo and have the defibrillator utilized in such manner.
    • Such trick is useless in solo or when everybody died, because game instantly kills everybody who tried to revive themselves when everyone is dead.
  • Despite showing indicators for 5 charges on its screen, the Defribrillator only has 3 charges actually available.
  • While having 3 actual charges, Defibrilator can be depleted only 2 times, because last charge won't revive anybody due to a reviving function calling only after the drain of a battery.