Diving Bell

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The Diving Bell is the second most important feature of the game, allowing Players to dive deep into the Old World to uncover Items, Artifacts, and Enemies.

The Diving Bell is a large, capsule-like structure that hangs from a crane on the Sky Island. It has a large ramp leading up to its entrance, and a square door with a valve used to open it. Inside the diving bell is a large monitor with a red button on one wall, and a lever to close the door on the opposite wall. The monitor is black and displays the names of each Player, their oxygen level, and how far they are from the Diving Bell. While on the island, the screen will display in red text "NOT ALL SUITS ARE INSIDE" if not every Player is currently inside the Diving Bell. If the Bell is closed with all Players inside, the screen will say "READY TO SUBMERGE" and the red button beneath the monitor can be pressed. Pressing this button transports Players down to any map in the Old World.

While in the Old World, Players will lose oxygen. However, being in the Diving Bell whether it is open or not will not cause your oxygen to deplete. Players cannot leave the Old World unless the Bell is closed. However, they can leave without their friends unlike on the island. Players left behind without the Diving Bell will be killed, and money will be taken from the Player's cash balance for the Hospital Bill upon returning.