Fire Monster

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Fire Monster is a large, fire-breathing entity in Content Warning.

Fire Monster
Old World
Game Model
Aliases Flamethrower, Fire-Beast, Fire Turtle.
Behavior Patrolling, FollowPlayer, FireBreath
Horde Size 0
Jumpscare Level 0
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

Fire Monster is a tall, four legged creature with a square head, very long and thin legs, and a spiky shell.

• Behavior •

Fire Monster will walk towards the nearest player, and will start spewing flames from its mouth once close. The flames will linger on the ground for a few seconds, creating a damaging wall of fire, making it easy for players to be split apart or cornered.

• Counters •

This creature is dangerous, but not unbeatable. While it can be brought down by a Shock-Stick, it will still continue to spit flames from it's mouth. Your best course of action is to take advantage of its relatively slow speed and run away. Take tight corners and run through a few doors and you should be safe... for now.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Heartbeat while approaching
Noticing a player
Breathing fire loop
Fire particle hitting the ground
Fire crackling loop

• Comments •

  • "I believe being this close to fire is dangerous"
  • "Me when I find hairspray and a lighter"
  • "When you find that bigassed spider in your house..."
  • "What a beautiful destructive power. Good video for me"
  • "This looks like an easy way to start a forest fire. OR WORSE"