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Mouthe is a small, jump-scaring goblin in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
Aliases Gertrude, Owen, Mouthe, Gremlin, Screamo
Behavior Patrolling, Sneaking, Screaming, Fleeing
Horde Size 5
Jumpscare Level 1
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

Mouthe is a short humanoid creature with stubby limbs, a overly large head, and an overall cartoon-like body. Mouthe's eyes are small and very far apart on his face with distinguishable eye-bags lying beneath, and a large toothy grin. He stands hunched forward with his knees bent and his arms behind him.

• Behavior •

Mouthe will single out a Player as its target, and will continuously attempt to run up behind them. The Mouthe will lure the player to the closest enemy and if there is no monsters or they are far away, it will scream at the victim, sometimes continuously, to startle or scare them. This scream presents no change to the player, despite the rumors that say otherwise.

• Counters •

Mouthe does not like being looked at, if you feel someone is following you it is advised to turn around. Otherwise the Shock Stick always works, however will prove to be a waste of battery.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Screaming at player (LOUD)
Closing mouth (after screaming)

• Comments •

  • "That thing has a really big mouth!!"
  • "Kinda think that thing is cute"
  • "Please make a part two! I loved the little thing with the nice smile"
  • "What was the little thing with the mouth?"
  • "Top 2 content creators I have evert watched. Lil guy with the mouth made the video good"
  • "You know it’s real when it has such a big mouth"
  • "That thing definitely does not look normal"
  • "We have those where I live. Actually pretty common. Just dont let it sneak up on you"
  • "First"
  • "Hahahahaha weird little guy"
  • "I wonder what it even needs such a big mouth for"
  • "Love your content, let me know when the next video comes out please! Mouth guy = nice"
  • "I wanna know more about the little monster!"
  • "Is it bad that I dont like the little thing with the mouth?"
  • "lol that thing is not very scary"