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Infiltrator is an entity that copies players in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
Aliases Imposter, Mimic
Behavior Following, Targetting, Attacking, Fleeing
Horde Size None
Jumpscare Level 0
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

The Infiltrator appears to be a carbon-copy of one of your teammates. It wears the same diving suit, and will mimic the face and hat of the most isolated player.

• Behavior •

The Infiltrator will pretend to be a member of your crew. It'll use its flashlight, taunt different dances and may follow you around occasionally. When the Infiltrator is alone with another player and has maintained eye contact for too long, its face and flashlight will blink red, their face will change to a ">:(" and it will begin to chase them. When a player is caught by the Infiltrator, it looks like it is hugging them using the Hugger medical item, when in reality it is slowly draining their health.

When being looked at by a group of 2 people for more than 5 seconds, he will run away and despawn. Infiltrator is quicker to anger when the player he is copying stares at him.

• Counters •

To avoid the Infiltrator, try to stay in a group of at least 2 players, and don't get too far from your teammates. If a player has died and there's an Infiltrator version of them, avoid this copy at all costs. Avoid duplicates of players by calling out to them with your voice to confirm they are real as Infiltrators do not talk and always hold Old Flashlight in their hand, and use the Shock Stick if they get too close.