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Flicker is a tall, cyclops creature in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
Aliases Red Light, Cyclops, Tall Man
Behavior Patrolling, Taunting, Attacking, Invisible.
Horde Size 0
Jumpscare Level 3
Able to be Shocked No

• Appearance •

Flicker is an extremely tall, lanky gray entity with a large red eye in its head. Its head, however, seems to be merged with its body creating almost a hunched back to its figure. Flicker, when aggravated, shines a large red light that can illuminate entire rooms. Flicker will consume the life out of players, visually represented as black tendrils creeping from players bodies toward the creatures mass.

• Behavior •

The presence of Flicker is indicated by every light on the map flickering multiple times over the course of 2 seconds. Flicker will stalk players while invisible as they explore, occasionally taunting them by flashing in and out of existence. Flicker will reveal himself fully to players after taunting them for a while, which is his most dangerous phase. Having your mouse pointed at Flicker while he is fully revealed will cause the player to be unable to look away. Attempting to look away will make your mouse snap back into place right onto the entity. Whenever Flicker's light pulses, the players vision is momentarily gravitated toward Flickers position. This means that Flicker will force you to turn to him.

After a few seconds of being unable to look away, Flicker will instantly kill every player staring at him.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Lights flickering (sped up/slowed down in-game)
Interference (Long windup before attack)
About to attack/Leaving
Red light attack (SOME SOUNDS MAY BE LOUD)

• Counters •

Flicker, even while invisible, will still have a hitbox, give the jumpscare sting, and can be interacted with. Use this to your advantage. If you run into anything that is invisible, try to move away from it while staring at the floor or a wall. Otherwise, avoid looking at Flicker when he is visible on screen. Flicker is not affected by the Shock-stick. When Flicker does his pulsing attack, players are given time in-between them to look away. Flicker will also not kill players if he is filmed in selfie mode. Use this to your advantage to get up close shots with him. Flicker also only attacks in places he can stand up, so going to places with low ceilings may be to your advantage.

However, if you want to still record without trouble, you can use his audio and even visual cues to make sure you don't die to him. This is possible because of the fact that before Flicker does his attack, a long radio sound effect that increases gradually in intensity for around 5 seconds will play, which gives the cue to look down. However, if you still want to film him close up without selfie mode, he has around 1 second where he doesn't do any damage before he fully starts his attack. This method isn't recommended though, since players can instead send in another player to record as a sacrifice, or as said previously use selfie mode.

• Comments •

  • "Wow! Did he dissapear!?"
  • "OMG! Did he just teleport??"
  • "DID you see it flicker??"
  • "Surely the flickering thing was not real!"
  • "Crazy strong nerve’s friends"
  • "WHAT WAS THAT! you deserve billion of subscribers"
  • "Nr 1 spooktuber ! Never seen a monster like this one"
  • "Favorite part was def the invisible monster"
  • "I am impressed. Easily best video I have seen."
  • "I would cry if I saw a that"
  • "That was brilliant , super scary. I don't know how you do it honestly"
  • "Amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing"
  • "Can someone please comment and tell me the name of the flickering creature?"
  • "Keep it up! Great content actually. Loved the flickering one"
  • "New subscriber here and just want to say that you deserve so many more subscribers"
  • "Spooky guy!! Love your style of video!"
  • "It is incredible what you are able to capture! Even invisible!"
  • "Excellant footage.... :)"
  • "That was exciting! Nice monster! Be well and stay safe!"
  • "Fickering creature! brilliant video again!"
  • "Just found your channel just like that monster just found you well okay!"
  • "Smashed my notifications too hard"
  • "love your videos....always waiting on your new posting...."
  • "You are the best, cant believe that thing was real!"
  • "Please tell me that one was not real!"

• Trivia •

  • Flicker actually walks around using it's four legs while invisible and can sometimes be seen moving a few short moments after it appears. Because of this it can only reach places where it can walk to, despite the implication that it teleports.