Shroomed Player

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Shroomed Player is a deadly, unnoticeable player affliction in Content Warning.

Shroomed Player
Old World
Game Model
Aliases Shroomer, Fungal Infection
Behavior Attacking
Horde Size N/A
Jumpscare Level N/A
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

A humanoid creature, almost exactly the same size as the Player covered in countless sprouting mushrooms.

• Behavior •

Shroomed Players will be unaware they have been changed into an Enemy, but their voice will be unrecognizably distorted and their appearance will be noticeably different to their teammates. Players who are inflicted by the Shroom are able to move around freely, however, will automatically lunge to attack any player near them. This attack can be resisted by the afflicted. If only players who are infected remain the game will end the day as if all players died, but if a Shroomed Player ascends in the Diving Bell they will be cured upon reaching the Sky Island.

Shroomed Players will keep all items in their inventory upon infection, will be able to pick up items, and use items but will be unable to drop them.

• Counters •

Don't hold the Shroom. If you have an infected player, make sure they know what happened and what the effects are. Coordinate getting back to the Diving Bell to prevent losing gear.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Player turning into a shroom
Shroomed player speaking

• Comments •

  • "What is that!?"
  • "Shroom monster!?"
  • "This is fantastic. I cant even imagine a shroom monster like that"
  • "and i was hoping for another vid of this literally just watch through all the others!! What was even that mushroom looking creature"
  • "Love the content , keep up the good work"
  • "Thank you for these posts they make me happy. Thank you for bringing mushroom to my timeline"

• Trivia •

  • This is the only Enemy that can be attacked by monsters.
  • There is currently a bug that will sometimes not cause players to transform. However the lunge attack will still work as intended.