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Weeping is a large, robotic cage in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
Aliases Catchya Cage, Captcha Cage, Iron Maiden, Cage
Behavior Patrolling, Attacking, CapturedPlayer, ReleasingPlayer, Inactive
Horde Size 0
Jumpscare Level 2
Able to be Shocked No

• Appearance •

Weeping is a large, silver cage with 2 robotic arms and a head. There are two arms on the cage, both with cartoonishly large hands at the ends. Weeping has an oval-shaped head placed on the top of its cage, that wears a face of anguish at all times.
Weeping's Screen Interface has a large text box in the middle with a randomly generated captcha, including a smaller text box right below it where the player is able to type. The bottom right of the screen states "CATCHYA: NO ROBOTS ALLOWED" The second interface, only visible to the trapped player, shows the amount of tries left until death, and the border of the screen represents how much time is left.

• Behavior •

The Weeping will wheel itself around the map until it finds a Player. However, the Weeping is only able to move if it is not being looked at, or in line of sight, of any player. If this entity manages to get within grabbing range of a player, it will force the player into its cage and shut it closed, then presenting a screen interface to the rest of the team. This screen will randomly generate a jumble of letters and characters which players must type back out the exact same. Players have 1 minute to complete this puzzle, or the trapped teammate will be killed. Failing to type the correct letter will result in losing 1 out of 3 attempts at the puzzle. After a teammate is killed by the Weeping, the entity will no longer be violent and will stand in place. Upon a successful captcha, the Weeping will don a smile and vanish, becoming peaceful for the rest of the dive.

• Counters •

Back away from the entity while looking at it. Attempt to enter other rooms, as it seems the Weeping struggles to follow players between areas. The Shock Stick has no effect on the entity whatsoever. Sacrificing a team member to the cage to trigger the captcha will pacify it for the rest of the dive, regardless if the captcha is successful or a failure.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Moving while a player isn't looking
Stopping in place when looked at
Capturing a player (SOME SOUNDS MAY BE LOUD)
Moving arms after capturing a player
Clock ticking sound while a player is inside (VERY QUIET)
Player completing the captcha correctly
Player failing a captcha attempt
Player failing all attempts/Timer running out
Killing a player after failing the captcha

• Comments •

  • "OMG the big robot is crying!"
  • "That big cage guy is real scary"
  • "I think the big robot is sad"
  • "The big robot is crying!"
  • "The big robot is crying! Aww"
  • "The big robot is crying! Poor thing"
  • "That big robot cage want's to kidnap someone"

| When Weeping captures someone

  • "OMG they got captured!"
  • "Did you manage to sovle the Capthca??"
  • "Omg I cant believe you didnt stay away from the robot"

| If the Captcha is failed

  • "Seriously, who designed that captcha? I've struggled with some tough ones, but this is on another level. Poor crew, hope they find a way out soon. "
  • "My cats wouldn't stand for this! Hoping the kids find a way to outsmart that robot and get to safety."
  • "Sending virtual hugs to the pals. Stay strong, and I hope there's a positive resolution to this strange situation."
  • "Captchas are meant to annoy, not terrify! Hope this is just a strange online challenge and not a dangerous situation."

| If the Captcha is completed

  • "YOU MADE IT! The big robot is happy now!"
  • "Awh the robot just wanted to watch you all on spooktube"
  • "Can we talk about the irony of a robot needing help with a captcha? Humans: 1, Robot: 0"
  • "Imagine getting kidnapped and the only way out is solving captchas! Next-level trolling by the robot."
  • "Forget horror movies, this is the content I signed up for on SpookTube! Kids, you're legends for turning a scary situation into a captcha comedy!"
  • "Thank you all for helping me out! Love your videos"

• Trivia •

  • The reason Weeping needs the captcha completed is because it's trying to log into SpookTube, but can't complete the captcha because it is, in fact, a robot.
  • The naming of 'Weeping' is probably inspired by Weeping Angels from the Doctor Who series, statues that can only move when not looked at, a similar behavior to Weeping.
  • Weeping’s design and function is a reference to the medieval torture device known as the Iron Maiden.