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Worm is a lengthy bug which forces players together in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
The Worm.png
Aliases Leech
Behavior Patrolling, Attached, Detached
Horde Size N/A
Jumpscare Level N/A
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

The Worm is, as the name suggests, a Worm like entity, it has a long segmented body that almost resembles a spine, and two leech-like mouths full of serrated teeth.

• Behavior •

The Worm will slowly approach a player and attempt to latch onto them, once latched onto one player the other end of the worm will seek out a nearby player, if successful the two players will be linked together and forced to cooperate in order to navigate, this causes no damage and only serves as a nuisance, the Worm will eventually detach from both players but has no cooldown on its ability to reattach, so players can be instantly linked again if they remain near the Worm.

• Counters •

The Worm is rather slow in moving and attacking, if you are attached to by the worm notify your fellow players so they can avoid you, if you are unfortunate enough to get linked to another player make sure that you have good communication skills as to not get tripped up, using a Shock Stick on the worm will instantly cause it to detach from a player.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcription

• Comments •

  • "Respect for these people for donating blood to the worm leech."
  • "How are you not more scared?? DISGUSTING WORM"
  • "The only youtube channel that doesn't clickbait... They actually show cool stuff like that leech creature"
  • "The reason I love these video is because it makes me feel so safe when I'm worried about what's going to happen to someone else"
  • "Cool video dont get eaten by worms"
  • "Can we appreciate that they sacrifice themselves so we can watch these videos?"
  • "leeches are one of my biggest fears.. nmad respect for doin this"
  • "you are legend for getting so close to worm hats off to you"