Big Slap

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Big Slap is a large, dangerous humanoid entity in Content Warning.

Big Slap
Old World
Game Model
Aliases Big Guy, Giant, Painting Monster
Behavior Patrolling, Chasing, JumpAttack
Horde Size 0
Jumpscare Level 3
Able to be Shocked No

• Appearance •

Big Slap is a large humanoid with a chubby figure. Big Slap has a creepy, distorted smile, and is covered with very prominent rib indentations. He emits sounds of groaning/gurgling, and will scream when aggravated.

• Behavior •

Big Slap has a rare chance to spawn compared to every other enemy. He will roam around the map until he spots a Player. Upon spotting a player, Big Slap will relentlessly chase them at fast speeds until they are dead. If the player runs, Big Slap will run. If the player walks, Big Slap will walk. However, Big Slap's walk speed is still considerably faster than the player. He deals half health at close range. When the player reaches an area Big Slap cannot reach, it will stand still for a moment then take a large leap towards them, similar to Knifo and Ultra Knifo. If this attack hits the player, it will instantly kill them. If the Shock Stick is used on Big Slap while it is preforming the leap attack, the momentum Big Slap has will still do damage to Players. Big Slap has a guaranteed chance to spawn in a nearby enemy spawn point if players hold his portrait for more than 3 seconds. This item will randomly spawn on any map.

• Counters •

Attempting to run away from Big Slap once he is angered is a viable strategy, but you are almost assured to die due of his speed and strength. A great course of action for your team would be to sacrifice yourself by leading it away from others or the Diving Bell. Or do the opposite if you want footage. If you are in a spot where you can make quick twists and turns, you may be able to get away. hiding on a spot that is out in the open and in location Big Slap cannot reach, bait a jump and jump off yourself at the same time Big Slap does, and he will be far behind you.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Ambient breathing while passive
Chasing a player while aggressive
Groaning after spotting a player
Noticing a player
Ambient while chasing player

• Comments •

| Agressive

  • "He's soo fast when he's mad"
  • "I would not want to meet him"
  • "HE IS SO ANGRY! What made him so angry"
  • "I hope he doesn't come after me"
  • "He sounds so angry"
  • "he screams so loud"
  • "When the monster got angry omgg"
  • "That was such a scary moment when you made the big guy mad"
  • "You should not get so close to those. Some other spooktubers died"
  • "My head hurts so bad rn- but instead of sleeping I’m watching videos in the evening"
  • "My chills went down my spine when I saw that scary guy. Why was his face like that"
  • "God I get more scared of the big monster than anything ive ever seen. Just me?"
  • "Finally a channel with brave people. Need part 2"
  • "Finally a channel that hunt ghost. WTf was the huge guy"
  • "Oh man you dont even know how fast I would run if I saw that"
  • "Is it just me that gets more scared of the huge monster than everything else"
  • "The fact that I would probably die if I met a monster like that"
  • "Believe me or not.. these people.. are actually.. THE BRAVEST SPOOKTUBERS I HAVE EVER WATCHED!"
  • "I SCREAMED when the monster with the creepy hands showed up"
  • "Whtf is up with its face"
  • "Who else lost it at the big monster?"
  • "Subscribed."
  • "Great video!, they just get better and better. Big monster was scary!"
  • "BIG monster! Loved it as always x thanks pals"
  • "Great monster hunt as usual! Terrifying!"

| Passive

  • "That monster is HUGGEE"
  • "That monster is so scary"
  • "I wonder if that big guy is just lonely..."
  • "He's so big..."
  • "I wonder if he's still there???"
  • "You invaded his HOME!"
  • "It's disgusting..."
  • "Leave him alone!"
  • "I love how you terrying that monster looks"
  • "Greetings from the sky island next to yours. nice monster"
  • "Awesome work and scary monsters! You're so authentic and real."
  • "You have the most real footage... It's far superior than many others..."
  • "This was an AMAZING investigation!!!"
  • "Pals , everytime i see a new video of yours , im like YESSSS ....!!  :)"
  • "Incredible! I watch a lot of paranormal monster channels but you are special"
  • "Totally agree with the other comments, fantastic monster channel"
  • "Your way of dealing with big monsters, excellent...!!!"
  • "WOW What a BIG monster! Please be careful!"
  • "Thankyou SO much for recording this!! To scary for me to go there!"
  • "Omg I never had that many chills watching other spooktube videos!"
  • "Holy cow. Why do you do these FOR REAL?! That thing was huge!"
  • "I thought it looked at you!! It looked very dangerous!"

• Trivia •

  • There exists a model in the game files called BigSlap_Small that is nearly imperceivably smaller than the normal Big Slap model and requires comparison to truly see the difference. 'Small Slap' is functionally the same as a normal Big Slap in every way. It is unknown why it is in the game or what conditions lead to 'Small Slap' spawning, but the most likely reason is it is made to replace normal models' spawns on the Harbor to fit better. There could also be the chance that it has a random chance of replacing the normal model
  • Big Slap's audio files are pre-fixed by "SFX_Flicker", but it is unknown if Flicker actually shares these sounds with him.