Phil's Hats

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Phil's Hats is a structure located to the left of the diving bell. Cosmetic hats can be purchased here for MetaCoins, all hats persist across save files and provide a content value.

• Appearance •

Phil's Hats is a building connected to the main island by a wooden bridge and is suspended on scaffolding. The interior displays 5 hats for sale and the MetaCoin price below them on a small plaque. behind the main counter is a large room obscured by frosted glass with hats behind it, these hats rotate in and out of stock every 24 hours according to your computer's current time.

• Available Hats •

There are 31 available hats for purchase in Phil's Hats. Each hat as assigned one of five rarities that affect its randomly fluctuating price. The rarities and hats are as follows:

Hat Rarities
Rarity tier Price
Common 150 - 600
Uncommon 200 - 800
Rare 250 - 1000
Epic 375 - 1500
Legendary 750 - 3000
All Hats in Content Warning
Hat Name Numerical ID Rarity/Price Range Image
Balaclava 0 Epic 20240518084611 1.jpg
Beanie 1 Common 20240518084632 1.jpg
Bucket Hat 2 Common 20240518084646 1.jpg
Cat Ears 3 Epic 20240518084702 1.jpg
Chefs hat 4 Rare 20240518084718 1.jpg
Floppy Hat 5 Common 20240518084739 1.jpg
Homburg 6 Common 20240518084755 1.jpg
Curly Hair 7 Epic 20240518084817 1.jpg
Bowler Hat 8 Common 20240518084832 1.jpg
Cap 9 Common 20240518084959 1.jpg
Propeller Hat 10 Rare 20240518085027 1.jpg
Clown Hair 11 Legendary 20240518085210 1.jpg
Cowboy Hat 12 Uncommon 20240518085233 1.jpg
Crown 13 Epic 20240518085251 1.jpg
Halo 14 Epic 20240518085320 1.jpg
Horns 15 Rare 20240518085349 1.jpg
Hotdog Hat 16 Rare 20240518085415 1.jpg
Jesters Hat 17 Legendary 20240518085434 1.jpg
Ghost Hat 18 Legendary 20240518085452 1.jpg
Milk Hat 19 Uncommon 20240518085518 1.jpg
Newsboy Cap 20 Common 20240518112500 1.jpg
Pirate Hat 21 Rare 20240518085540 1.jpg
Sports Helmet 22 Common 20240518085555 1.jpg
Savannah Hair 23 Legendary 20240518085616 1.jpg
Tooop Hat 24 Epic 20240518085636 1.jpg
Top Hat 25 Rare 20240518085706 1.jpg
Party Hat 26 Rare 20240518085733 1.jpg
Shroom Hat 27 Epic 20240518085747 1.jpg
Ushanka 28 Rare 20240518085759 1.jpg
Witch Hat 29 Epic 20240518085826 1.jpg
Hard Hat 30 Common 20240518085841 1.jpg


  • For some reason, the Cap and the Savannah Hair don't show up when using Free Camera Mods. Though one would assume it's because they would obstruct the player's vision, Other hats that would actually obstruct the player's vision, such as the Cowboy Hat or Clown Hair do show up in third person.
  • The Savannah Hair is directly based off of Youtuber and 3D Animator, SavannahXYZ.
  • The Hotdog Hat is likely a reference to Team Fortress 2's Hotdogger.
  • The Ghost hat is certainly a reference to the Knifo enemy, though not directly stated as such in its name.
  • The Hat Shop can be reset or altered by changing the date on your computer's clock. It is unknown if this bug will be patched eventually.
  • The hairband on the Savannah Hair has a texture issue when seen in the Old World.
  • The Hard Hat is currently the only hat in the game with a item version of it, being only used in a sponsorship
  • Despite the fact that Hat script that is attached to all hats contains giveContentEvent, comments and contentValue fields, only Hard Hat is able to give actual, however mild amount of views (2 content value) and comments.
    • Comments of Hard Hat as follows:
    • Despite having no plans to get a helmet, I continue to love watching these videos.
    • I love gear review, thanks for making them
    • Hi,guys!!How do you think,which helmet is better: LD11 BigCiry or BSK SmallCity?I see that LD11 a little harder
    • Just bought that helmet. i noticed that there isn' the red lock in the side.
    • How is the field of vision in the forward over sport rideing position?
    • Can I use it for a sport bike?
    • Where can i order one sir?
    • Now, that's a review!