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Sponsorships are optional challenges that players can accept to earn MetaCoins and unique items that last the duration of the sponsorship, three sponsorships are available per rotation but only one can be accepted.
There are five variations of sponsorship difficulty, Very Easy, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Very Hard. The higher the difficulty the higher the requirement to complete the sponsorship will be, and the more MetaCoins you will gain.

• Interviewer •


  • Sponsor requests that you film a player interviewing X number of monsters with a Reporter Mic.
    • Player being recorded must physically hold the reporter microphone up to the enemy they are interviewing.
    • Can be done through multiple days or quotas.
    • Requirements scale with difficulty.

• Hardhats and Bombs •


  • Players are tasked to record themselves holding a Bomb, thrown by the Bomber enemy.
    • Players are given a Hardhat, which must be equipped by the player who will hold the bomb.
    • Bombs have 3 seconds before exploding, and can be thrown. No death needs to occur on-screen.

• Norf Gun •



  • Sponsor asks you to get X amount of views.
    • 1 "Norf Gun" is supplied to players, and must be featured in the videos.
    • Can't film dead bodies (kids don't like it!).
    • Can be done throughout multiple days and quotas.
    • Requirements scale with difficulty.

• SirMonsterBurger •



  • Record X of Monsters In One Camera Shot
    • 1 SirMonsterBurger Burger is supplied to players.
    • Record X monsters in the same shot, can be the same type
    • Requirements scale with difficulty.

• Fredgull •



  • Sponsor requests that you record you and your friends taking X amount of damage, because their fans love to see the players getting hurt.
    • 1 Can of Fredgull is supplied to players.
    • Can be done throughout multiple days and quotas
    • Requirements scale with difficulty.

• Hermans Borkin Bag •



  • Sponsor requests that you have X amount of money at once
    • 1 Hermans Borkin Bag is supplied to players.
    • Requirements here
    • Requirements here
    • Requirements scale with difficulty.

• TokTok •



  • Sponsor requests that you film a player dancing in front of 2/4/6/8 monsters with their new song and dance.
    • Players are supplied with a TokTok Radio that plays a track composed by developer Erik Skog. (WARNING: LOUD)
    • Players are supplied with an Emote book
    • Players can complete this sponsorship with any enemy, however they cannot record the same enemy twice or the progression bar won't go up. The song is also optional, which is good because the Radio is extremely inconvenient to carry around. The emote is required, but it does not have to be the Dance 104 emote, not every emote works, but if you see the taunting comment when watching the video, it counted.
    • Requirements scale with difficulty.

• Trivia •

  • Many of the sponsors are parodies of real life brands, most replace or add only a letter or two to the real life brand name.
    • The Norf Gun is parodying a Nerf Gun
    • The SirMonsterBurger is parodying Mr. Beast Burger
    • FredGull is a parody of RedBull
    • The Hermans Borkin bag is parodying a Hermès Birkin bag
    • TokTok is a parody of TikTok
  • Though similar in appearance, the TokTok Radio plays a different song than the Artifact Radio.
  • According to one comment, the Sirmonster Burger is vegan

• Known Bugs •

  • Only one sponsorship can be accepted per save, once completed you cannot accept another one.
  • If the sponsorship item is lost by any means the sponsorship is incompletable as the item will not respawn.