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Spööktube is a fictional content creation site in the game Content Warning.

• Uploading •

Spööktube is the site that the Players are uploading their videos to be watched. Videos are uploaded by taking a disk to either the TV or to the cinema Sky Island Upgrade and pressing [E] when prompted. As the video runs, you can see the the amount of views tick up and receive comments in “real time.” After the video finishes the players are paid based on views from what is presumably SpöökTube.

• Comments •

Comments are text boxes that appear when watching your uploaded video with a face image to the left of what is presumably the commenter's profile picture and below that there is a heart with numbers next to it being presumably an equivalent of likes. These comments are based on what has appeared on screen and will react to various things in frame. Comments react to Items, Enemies, Artifacts, the environment, and players. These reactions can help players gauge how effective filming something was. The profile pictures that appear with comments are randomly selected from a set of faces, and colors similar to the available customization options to players face selection. The likes a comment has are also randomized based on how many views the video gets.

• Trivia •

  • SpöökTube is an obvious parallel of real world YouTube, but for spooky videos.
  • SpöökTube commenters say it is against SpöökTube Guidelines to upload videos of murder.
  • There is a SpöökTube logo on Weeping's Catchya, implying Weeping is trying to log into SpöökTube.