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Spider is a large, web-shooting enemy in Content Warning.

Old World
Game Model
Aliases Spider
Behavior Patrolling, Attacking, ShootingWeb, Fleeing
Horde Size 0
Jumpscare Level 2
Able to be Shocked Yes

• Appearance •

The Spider is a large arthropod biologically resembling a normal spider, however its mouth is a clean vertical cut in the middle that separates it's flat head into two sides. Each side of the Spiders head has 3 large black indentations, with 4 smaller ones surrounding it (presumably eyes).

• Behavior •

The Spider will roam around the map until it finds a Player. Upon spotting a player, it will quickly crawl toward them and shoot webs at the same time. These webs, when coming into contact with any surface, will explode into multiple strands that will stick to players and make it hard to move. The Spider will target the closest player to it and choose to eat them unless they manage to escape and start another chase. The spider does about 1/6 of the players health per bite, making it a formidable foe.

• Counters •

When spotted by the Spider, it's best to try to get to another room, or at least be a few rooms away from its location at all times. Much like the Snail's grasp, spamming the [SPACE] key is an effective way of getting out of the Spiders web quicker. The Spider is also able to be stunned by the Shock Stick, and slowed down by the Goo Ball. It is possible to jump over a Spider, with a full sprint and some tight timing.

• Sounds •

Sound File Transcript
Screaming while chasing a player
Shooting web
Web landing on a surface
Player getting stuck in a web
Player getting unstuck from a web

• Comments •

  • "I am afraid of spiders!"
  • "It shoots webs!"
  • "Of course they would run into a spider!"
  • "I bet I really dont want to meet a spider like that"
  • "Easily the most scary video all day! What the spider"
  • "Just wanna mention that there is no need for a spider that big"
  • "Exactly what I wanted to see today! Spider monster is really scary!"
  • "This right here is professionals, facing a big spider like this with no fear"
  • "Bet it has a poisionous bite"
  • "I dont like how that spider moves at all!"
  • "SPIDER"
  • "I really like how you balance your humor with spooky things like the big spider"
  • "I could watch that spider forever. Creeps me the hell out though"
  • "Are you gonna do a colab with any other creators?"
  • "Literally never seen a bug animal this large even before"
  • "Wait a second.... That really large for a spider"
  • "When you enter a having many eyes competition and your opponent is that spider.."
  • "Honestly love these videos, wish you made more!"

• Trivia •

  • There is a bug in the physics engine that after recovering from the Shock Stick, the Spider will launch straight into the air, clipping through whatever terrain or geometry is above it.