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The House is a location on the Sky Island where Players spawn into the game, watch recorded videos, sleep to advance to the next day, and get a Camera for the next day.

• Appearance •

On the outside the house is red with white trim and the inside has gold colored wall paper. The house is composed of two floors and three rooms.

• Second Floor •

The second floor is one room composed of 4 beds on the west side of the room lined next to each other going from the Northwest corner to the Southwest corner whose sheets take on the face color of a player who is in the lobby. If there are less that four players the bedsheets are white. The character customizer on the south wall enclosed in shelves, in the Southeast corner there is the teleporter and on the North side there are the wooden stairs leading to the first floor. On both the East and West walls there are circular windows around the size of the player. Below the On the walls there are small shelves that have objects on them including colorful blocks, or mini versions of objects in the room, such as a potted sunflower or the teleporter.

• First Floor •

The first floor is split into 2 rooms, the main room, and the sponsorship room. The main room has the same floor size as the second floor, but the Sponsorship room is quite small only having enough floor space to barely fit 4 players. In the main room the North wall has the stairs, the door to the sponsorship room on the Northwest corner, and a thin chimney/furnace in the Northwest corner. On the South wall there is the front door.
The rest of the room is in two sections, the TV area and the Kitchen. The TV area is on the east half of the first floor, with a TV facing the east wall which has a sofa, and two wooden chairs facing the TV. There is also a board displaying 'The Plan' in the Southeast corner. The kitchen is on the west side, and has three chairs surrounding a table with a white table cloth. On the walls of the kitchen there are cabinets that take up the south part of the west wall.
The Sponsorship room has three tables and computer monitors. Before a Sponsorship is selected, three sponsorships will be shown on the three monitors. Once one is selected the monitors will display a progress bar for the selected sponsor in the center monitor, and the side monitors will display a desktop with a green hill background. When the completed sponsor is claimed the center monitor will follow suit of the side monitors.

• Outside •

Outside the front door is a small porch. When First starting the game, four Old Flashlights will be on the west of the two southern fences of the porch and a camera will be on the east one.
The roof of the house has 27 solar panels and can be accessed by a ladder on the North side of the house.

• Usage •

• Second Floor •

The second floor is used to advance to the next day, customize player's faces, and invite players.
The beds in the second floor are useable by pressing [E] in the afternoon causing the player to 'float' into them and t-pose. Pressing [E] again will cause the player to leave the bed. Players can sleep in any bed, even if it does not match your face color or is not tied to a player. Every player must be sleeping to advance to the next day. After sleeping on a completed Quota, the game will move to the next quota and reward all players with Meta Coins. The amount of Meta Coins received increases by 50 every quota. So the first quota will award 50 Meta Coins, after that the second will give 100, third 150, and so on.
The customizer screen can be interacted with by pressing [E]. On the screen there are a variety of options, you can type, rotate change the size, or color of, or paste a face and change your current hat. As of now, there are 7 colors, there are Green, Pink, Blue, Teal, Red, Orange, and Yellow, and 31 [[Phil's Hats|Hats]. Colors, Hats, and faces can not be claimed by a player, so players can share one ore more of these aspects with another player in game.
The Teleporter is mostly functionless, but does have one function. The panel on the Teleporter can be interacted with using [E], doing so opens Steam menu where friends can be invited to your game. When new players enter after the host they will spawn inside the teleporter.

• First Floor •

The First floor is used to start a game, watch extracted videos, manage sponsorships and store gear when loading a previous save.
When approaching the front door, if there are less than 4 people, players will be asked if they really want to start the game. This is because once the game is started, no more players can join the lobby until the save is rejoined.
The First Floor contains the TV and seats to watch the videos on. Like other seats in the Sky Island they can be sat in by pressing [E].
The Kitchen stores Items that were in players' inventories when the host closes the lobby. All other items on the Sky Island will be right where they were left.
The Sponsorship Room opens after sleeping on and completing the first quota. Inside players are given an option between three sponsors. As of now, when sponsor is selected, the players can not choose a new one, nor get a new one after completing the first. During the sponsorship, the center monitor will display the players' current progress in completing their accepted sponsor. When the goal is reached, the players will be offered to claim the reward, and every players currently in the lobby will receive Meta Coins according to the sponsors promised reward.
It is also possible to sleep on the ceiling of the first floor by going to the west side of the first floor, under where the beds should be, and pressing [E] when prompted.

• Outside •

The outside of the House is where players find the camera after sleeping. Every day after sleeping, a Camera will spawn on the east half of the south porch fence. On the west of the southern fence, at at the start of every new save, four Old Flashlights will be waiting to be picked up. The roof of the house currently has no apparent use even though there is a ladder up to it

• Trivia •

The beds can be accessed from underneath, allowing players to stick to the ceiling. Sleeping on the underside of a bed will still register the player as asleep, and the bed as occupied.